The potential power of a picture
Intrigued by why the site might have used an LRV to symbolize the city — and, therefore, imply rail is one of the reasons it's on the list — I clicked on the headline to read the article.
According to the story, Relocate-America put Charlotte, N.C., at the top of its “Best Places to Live in 2008” list for its diversity of housing options and home affordability, and strong economy.
OK, so the article never mentioned CATS’ new LYNX light-rail system, so I’m not quite sure why MSN used the LRV snapshot on its home page. Maybe it was a randomly picked photo. Or maybe — just maybe — people are beginning to realize that cities with public transit options can help provide a better quality of life for their residents.
Posted by: Angela Cotey | Date posted: 5/23/2008
Posted by Ed Biggs on 5/28/2008 10:34:40 AM
The people know. Its the legislators who have failed to hear the message from the people.
Posted by Adron on 5/28/2008 6:25:31 PM
The other stupid thing about that exact article, was the list of the worse places in America. In that list Charlotte also is in the top 10. That really makes me wonder about the legitimacy of MSN as a news source or reliable place of research. But really, it doesn't make me wonder too much because I know they do really shotty work when it comes to relative or reliable news. They're all about the headline and the visitor counts.
Posted by Dave Smith on 5/29/2008 10:41:35 AM
Well, if indeed Charlotte is also listed as one of the 10 worst places to live, can't we also attribute that to their costly and ineffective transit system? After all, high taxes are a major reason for resident dissatisfaction. And we all know a majority of transit users tend to be tax revenue recipients rather than de facto tax payers.
Posted by Michael on 5/29/2008 11:10:57 AM
Ed is right in stating "..the people know...". The recent trends in the housing industry look bleak but digging into specifics one can learn that housing sales are strong in urban areas and areas with easy access to public transportation - inluding rail transit locations. I am in the Philadelphia suburbs where the reach of SEPTAs rail system for transport into the city is consistently shrinking.
Posted by Peter Cooper on 5/29/2008 11:33:35 PM
I find it ironic that most of the foreclusers in Charlotte are in the northern subburbs not served by rail transit. I also find it interesting the Californians prefer to spend the wad on new SUVs only to wind up living in them when they lose their homes.
Posted by James Swidergal on 6/3/2008 2:43:49 PM
And...with all that has been said so far one would think that an educated consumer and homeowner or potential homeowner living in the eje rr corridor in illinois would embrace cn's interest in expanding the rail serrvice if and when the stb allows that to happen. Progressive Railroad and other similar publications need to band together and blitz the regional media here in illinois and raise the positive issues that this eje/cn acquisition is a good thing not only for the cn but for the area,especially now when passenger rail service could be included to link all of the present existing passenger rail links,and loop the entire north-east illinois region with efficient rail service instead of paying higher gasoline prices,eliminates paying for outrageous parking fees downtown,and possibly reduces that many more one person per vehicle commuter type on the expressways and tollways making more efficient use of our highway system for trucking and motorpooling.
Posted by R.Sieben on 6/4/2008 11:35:30 AM
even here in Illinois where transit is largely recognized as needed, the political hacks still don't get it. The state is broke and we have a totally dysfunctional government in place. The result is a deadlock on getting any new funding to expand transit when it is needed most. I don't think this is unique to Illinois. The political types don't have the guts to impose a tax for something like transit that has an obvious payback, they are more interested in vote getting shenanigans like offering free transit for seniors and the disabled. (not that these are altogether bad ideas, but not now.) Anyone who is reading this and you do not vote, you are at fault! This is what we get for being complacent about getting good elected officials and holding their feet to the fire when they don't perform. my opinion only!
Posted by Dave Smith on 6/5/2008 6:49:49 PM
Michael and Peter, citations please? C'mon, you two are trying to equate the housing crunch as a function of whether there is public transit available or not? I think James is more correct, in that those who ostensibly support more rail transit are also the most vociferous in opposing CN's takeover of the EJ&E. To R. Sieben I would ask: Why not just raise ticket prices to cover the costs of transit, rather than trying to foist yet another tax increase on working people? Also, isn't Illinois a Democrat state? If so, what politicians other than Dems would you propose that would be more supportive of subsidized transit?
Posted by James Swidergal on 6/6/2008 3:25:30 PM
As to what kind of state is Illinois,...well it was repulican,now it's democrat,but mostly due to it's delinquent governor (Blago) it's a state of confusion. There is a chance for a massive hand up from the Federal govt all this state of democans need to do is match the funding and it'll open the flood gates of infrastructure repairs,and new and existing transportation improvements to happen. But once again this general assembly (Ill.) are sitting on the fence, for pete's sake already get on with another gambling license,for that matter get twelve more licenses and sell them to the highest bidder, so what if organized crime gets one,it's not like their not already operating in drugs and prostitution,and it seems that the last few governors including this one are a bit shady, my understanding is a felony record is a prereq. for the job,or is it part of the renumeration for serving. But back to railroading, ah what the heck none of those elected morons in Illinois are listening anyway, they're all at the state fair being vote hogs, or may be being hogs.