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The Montana Department of Transportation is seeking public comments on a proposal to replace an existing rubber grade crossing surface with a high-friction finish concrete surface at a crossing on Secondary Highway 518 in Montana City.Proposed work includes replacing the crossing surface, finishing with a seal and cover (chip seal) around the crossing curve and upgrading signage. Work would be performed next year.Meanwhile, the mayor of Magnolia, Ark., has contacted the Louisiana & North West Railroad (L&NW) about the condition of its crossings in the city.Work performed on the rail line through Magnolia has left six crossings in rough condition, according to Mayor Parnell Vann.“L&NW was unaware of the situation and is looking into it. The [crossings] are the property of the railroad and therefore, the city cannot fix the areas of concern,” he said in a prepared statement.Owned by Patriot Rail Corp., the 68-mile L&NW interchanges with Kansas City Southern in Gibsland, La., and Union Pacific Railroad in McNeil, Ark.