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<< Rail News Home: Federal Legislation & Regulation

3/21/2012    Federal Funding

Rail News: Federal Legislation & Regulation

Mica to propose three-month surface transportation bill extension


House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman John Mica (R-Fla.) will introduce a three-month extension of the SAFETEA-LU bill, according to a statement issued late this morning. The extension will not include any changes to the current transportation policy, Mica said.

“Tomorrow, I will introduce a short-term extension through June 30 to ensure continuity of current programs while I and House Republicans continue to work toward a responsible transportation bill that provides long-term certainty, reduces the size of government, eliminates earmarks, and is fully paid for,” he said in the statement. “We continue to believe that linking energy and infrastructure is the responsible thing to do in order to meet our long-term needs.”

SAFETEA-LU originally expired in September 2009. This would be the measure’s ninth extension.

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