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Rail News: Internet/Digital

Denver RTD unveils new real-time transit app

A rider uses the 'Next Trip' app on her phone.
Photo – Denver RTD


The Regional Transportation District of Denver (RTD) has launched Next Ride, a web-based application that provides real-time transit information.

Next Ride displays "accurate and timely" predictions of vehicle locations for light rail and bus, which makes trip planning easier, RTD officials said in a press release.

The application is available on the agency's website and doesn't require downloads from third parties. It's also optimized for mobile devices, RTD officials said.

For the past year, RTD has provided real-time information to third-party services like Google and Transit App. But riders have expressed interest in receiving the information directly from RTD.

"Providing technology that will enhance a passengers experience is one of our many goals as we expand our system," said Scott Reed, RTD assistant general manager of communications. "We continuously look for ways to make using our system more convenient and reliable."

Next Ride doesn't yet include real-time information for RTD's commuter-rail routes.

To learn about other mobile app developments in the passenger-rail industry, read this article in the January issue of Progressive Railroading.