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The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen (BLET) has reached a tentative contract with the Pacific Harbor Line (PHL), which provides rail transportation, maintenance and dispatching services to the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, California.
Ballots for a vote on the tentative agreement governing rates of pay for 150 members were mailed June 21, according to a BLET news release. Ratification ballots are due July 12.
If ratified, the agreement would run through 2027 and serve as a two-year extension on the current five-year contract ratified in 2020. It would provide general wage increases of 5% retroactive to May 2024, 3% in September 2024, 4% in 2025 and 4% in 2026, BLET officials said.
The PHL members belong to BLET Division 214 in Long Beach, California.