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Rail News: Labor

U.S. Class I workforce contracted again in August


The U.S. Class I workforce shrank a tad in August, contracting for the second-straight month.

As of mid-August, the workforce stood at 163,420 people, down 0.3 percent from July's mark, according to Surface Transportation Board data. But compared with August 2012 employment levels, the Class I workforce increased 0.5 percent.

All six workforce segments posted declines on a month-over-month basis in August: professional and administrative staff, down 0.8 percent to 14,050; maintenance-of-way and structures workers, down 0.7 percent to 37,257; maintenance of equipment and stores employees, down 0.4 percent to 29,329; executives, officials and staff assistants, down 0.3 percent to 9,819; transportation (other than train and engine) crews, down 0.1 percent to 6,777; and transportation (T&E) workers, down two-tenths of a percent to 66,188.

On a year-over-year basis, only the maintenance of equipment and stores and maintenance-of-way and structures sectors posted drops at 1.1 percent and 0.5 percent, respectively. The transportation (T&E) and transportation (other than T&E) workforces each grew 1.6 percent, professional and administrative staff ranks rose 0.5 percent, and number of executives, officials and staff assistants increased 0.4 percent.