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More than 30 local ballot initiatives valued at nearly $200 billion will be put to voters on Nov. 8, asking them to approve funding related to improving public transportation in their communities, the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) announced yesterday.Among communities with ballot measures and their dollar values include Los Angeles, $120 billion; Seattle, $54 billion; San Diego, $7.5 billion; San Francisco, $3.5 billion; Santa Clara County in California, $3 billion; and Atlanta, $2.5 billion."Communities of all sizes are are asking citizens to vote for initiatives that will determine their future,” said APTA Chair and Foothill Transit Executive Director Doran Barnes in a press release. "These initiatives and referendums are critical to expanding mobility options and to increasing the economic vitality of their communities."Meanwhile, APTA yesterday announced its newly elected board for 2016-17. The new board includes Chair Barnes, who succeeds Valarie McCall; Nathaniel Ford Sr., chief executive officer of Jacksonville Transportation Authority, who was elected vice chair; and Kim Green, executive director of business development for GENFARE of Elk Grove Village, Ill., who will continue serving as secretary-treasurer.APTA announced the ballot initiatives and new board membership during its annual meeting held this week in Los Angeles.