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Rail News: Passenger Rail

Bay Area commission to hold hearing on transportation plan


The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) will host a hearing on Wednesday to solicit public comments on the Draft 2013 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) for the nine-county San Francisco Bay area.

The program lists projects and investments planned for the next four years, MTC officials said in a prepared statement. The commission also will accept comments on an evaluation of the air quality impacts of the proposed transportation projects.

The Draft 2013 TIP lists 900 near-term surface transportation capital projects for the nine-county Bay area that will receive federal funds, are subject to a federally required action or are regionally significant, MTC officials said. The projects are worth about $11.2 billion in committed federal, state and local funding over the four-year period.

The projects reflect priorities in the commission’s Transportation 2035 Plan, a 25-year policy and spending blueprint guiding MTC’s program decisions for the area.