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In response to recent incidents involving vehicle-train collisions, Caltrain is working to develop and promote new strategies for encouraging safe behavior around its tracks. Seven such collisions have occurred this year, with three in Burlingame, Calif., where Caltrain is exploring improved pavement striping to more clearly define the track limits. Additionally, Caltrain is working with the city to explore improved signal timing for drivers rating at the Rollins Road signal. "We are responding to recent events by increasing the visibility of our law enforcement presence at key crossings along our corridor and redoubling our outreach and education efforts to make drivers more aware of the extra caution needed when driving near active railroad tracks," said Jim Hartnett, Caltrain's executive director, in a press release. "At the same time we are working with local cities to explore engineering and traffic management solutions."Meanwhile, Caltrain is conducting a full review of its protocols for restoring service following a disruption and ensuring riders receive information throughout the event. The agency plans to recommend streamlined processes in the coming months.The recommendations will include strategies for improving onboard and platform communication with riders throughout a disruption.