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Opponents of Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Transit Administration’s (MTA) Purple light-rail line are appealing a federal judge’s decision to reject arguments that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers violated the federal Clean Water Act during construction, The Washington Post reported last week.
The lawsuit — brought by the nonprofit Friends of the Capital Crescent Trail, a Chevy Chase resident and a former Chevy Chase resident — alleged that the Corps of Engineers allowed light-rail construction crews to discharge dredge and fill into streams, a violation of the Clean Water Act. The judge dismissed the lawsuit in April.
A lawyer for the opponents told The Post that they want to argue their case before the appeals court because the lower court judge rejected it before hearing oral arguments.
The MTA joined the case as defendants to protect the project. Lawyers for both sides are scheduled to file briefs on the case this summer, the newspaper reported.
The 16-mile, 21-station Purple Line project would extend light-rail service from Bethesda to New Carrollton.