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Chicago commuter railroad Metra will hold a public meeting March 21 in Woodstock, Illinois, to review the potential locations, engineering and design of a planned new layover yard near the McHenry County community.
Metra is developing a rail yard relocation and expansion project, known as the Woodstock Layover Yard Project, to support expanded service on the Union Pacific Northwest Line, improve operational efficiency, and maximize safety, security and personnel time, Metra officials said news release.
The project would consolidate operations from the current Barrington and Crystal Lake yards at a larger modernized facility near Woodstock. Metra officials believe the new facility would generate operational cost savings and attract additional ridership.
At the March 21 meeting, Metra is expected to provide details about the project's site selection process, potential site locations, environmental considerations and other next steps. Metra is seeking input from the public and stakeholders within the project area and county on the potential site locations and environmental concerns.