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Rail News: Passenger Rail

Santa Clara VTA takes flood control measures ahead of BART extension


By October’s end, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) expects to complete creek and flood control improvements in Fremont and Milpitas to prepare land for the planned Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Silicon Valley project.

In conjunction with the Santa Clara Valley Water District, the agency is constructing a larger, wider and straighter channel south of the Abel Street Bridge to remove bottlenecks in the creek that cause periodic flooding. VTA also removed and replaced the Scott Creek culvert.

Other supporting infrastructure work associated with the BART project includes relocating utilities along the future transit corridor and at major intersections that cross the route. The project calls for extending BART’s system 16 miles to San Jose, Milpitas and Santa Clara. The line would extend from a future BART Warm Springs Station in Fremont through Milpitas to San Jose along former Union Pacific Railroad right of way and through a 5.1 mile-long subway tunnel through downtown San Jose, ending at-grade in Santa Clara near a Caltrain station.

In 2002, VTA purchased the corridor from UP. VTA currently is reconstructing four of eight creek crossings along an eight-mile portion of the future BART route.