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Rail News: Passenger Rail

Southern California prepares for future Maglev system


If all goes as planned, southern California could have a high-speed magnetic levitation system up and running by 2010.

Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) is trying to secure funding for the project, which could connect Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties by 2025.

If funding is secured, Lockheed Martin plans to provide systems integration, project management, technology applications engineering, manufacturing, and vehicle and system assembly and certification services.

In May 2002, SCAG awarded a three-year, $16 million contract to Lockheed Martin to conduct large-scale engineering pre-deployment studies and complete design for the proposed system. The agency is completing the study’s first phase and plans soon to begin Phase 2, which includes an environmental impact assessment of the Los Angeles-to-Ontario first leg.

Maglev is designed to magnetic forces to lift and guide vehicles, enabling cars to operate just above the guideway at speeds up to 310 mph.