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Northern Virginia Transportation Commission elects officers, board representatives


The Northern Virginia Transportation Commission (NVTC) recently elected its 2004 officers and board representatives.

Alexandia, Va., Mayor William Euille was named chairman; Arlington County Board Vice Chairman Paul Ferguson, vice chairman; and Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Gerry Connolly, secretary/treasurer.

Serving on the Alexandria City Council since 1994, Euille was elected mayor in 2003. He co-chairs the Alexandria Welfare Reform Committee, Call to Community initiative on racial and ethnic diversity, Woodrow Wilson Bridge Task Force and PTO Task Force. Euille also serves on the Alexandria Economic Development Partnership Inc., the board of directors and the city council’s Human Service Committee, and represents Alexandria on the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) board.

Serving on the Arlington County Board since 1996, and as its chair in 1999 and 2003, Ferguson also serves on the board of directors of the Virginia Association of Counties, Virginia Municipal League’s Policy and Transportation Steering committees, and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Air Quality Committee.

Connolly has served two terms as Fairfax County Board’s providence district supervisor and recently was elected board chairman. He also is a member of the boards of the Virginia Association of Counties, Washington Council of Governments, Fairfax City/County Inter-jurisdictional Committee and Northern Virginia Regional Commission.

The commission also named Dana Kauffman and Christopher Zimmerman principles to represent NVTC on WMATA’s board; David Snyder, Richard Taube and Mary Margaret Whipple were named alternates.

Sharon Bulova, Dana Kauffman and Elaine McConnel were named principles to represent NVTC on the Virginia Railway Express Board; Chris Zimmerman was named alternate.

New commissioners include Fairfax County Board of Supervisors’ Catherine Hudgins and Loudon County’s Mick Staton.