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Colorado DOT issues draft of statewide rail 'vision'


The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), which began preparing a statewide freight- and passenger-rail plan in January, has issued a draft version of the blueprint.

The draft “vision” will guide investments for future rail needs, and determine ways to enhance passenger- and freight-rail development to support economic growth and environmental sustainability, CDOT officials said in a prepared statement.

An upgraded rail system would “contribute to a balanced transportation network, coordinated land-use planning, economic growth, a better environment and energy efficiency,” they said.

The draft plans calls for expanding rail infrastructure and services to “provide increased transportation capacity, cost effectiveness, accessibility and intermodal connectivity to meet freight and passenger market demands through investments that include public-private partnerships,” CDOT officials said.

A final plan, which will meet requirements of the Railroad Safety Enhancement Act of 2008, will be integrated into the state’s Long-Range Multi-Modal Plan, according to CDOT. Department officials expect to complete a final plan in January 2012.