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Intermodal Institute postpones North American transportation-head summit until spring 2003


University of Denver’s Intermodal Transportation Institute (ITI) Jan. 23 postponed until spring 2003 its North American Summit on Transportation with U.S., Canadian and Mexican transportation heads due to problems associated with scheduling a spring 2002 date.
The Summit with U.S. Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta, Canada Minister of Transport David Collenette, and Mexico Secretary of Communications and Transportation Pedro Cerisola y Weber originally was scheduled for October 18-19 but was postponed due to Sept. 11 and to adjust the agenda to include discussions on security stemming from the war on terrorism.
ITI plans to focus the summit on ways to solve North America’s increasing shortage of highway, airport, seaport, and rail capacity while taking into
account the safety and security problems that have emerged since Sept. 11.
ITI officials believe a spring 2003 date would avoid any scheduling conflicts that could occur later this year with U.S. Congressional elections.
The first summit, held in 1997 on the Denver campus, examined North America’s intermodal systems.
"The need for a second [summit] is compelling — since Sept. 11 we now know that our transportation system needs attention and does not have the redundancy required in an emergency," said Gil Carmichael, senior chairman of ITI’s board, in a prepared statement. "With this kind of lead time, we will reschedule the North American Summit as soon as possible because of the urgency for a new agenda for transportation."