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As of mid-May, U.S. Class Is employed 147,000 workers, up 0.71 percent since mid-April, but down 1.36 percent compared with May 2017, according to Surface Transportation Board data.All but one employment category — professional and administrative — reflected slight increases in the workforce on a month-over-month basis. Categories that logged increases since mid-April were transportation (train and engine), up 1.15 percent to 61,593 employees; maintenance of equipment and stores, up 0.78 percent to 26,856; executives, officials and staff assistants, up 0.74 percent to 8,359 employees; maintenance of way and structures, up 0.39 percent to 32,770; and transportation (other than train and engine), up 0.32 percent to 5,584.The professional and administrative category dipped 0.63 percent to 11,838 employees. On a year-over-year basis, all categories but one — transportation (train and engine) — reflected decreases. They were professional and administrative, down 5.34 percent; executives, officials and staff assistants, down 4.41 percent; transportation (other than train and engine), down 4.14 percent; maintenance of way and structures, down 4.06 percent; and maintenance of equipment and stores, down 3.14 percent.The transportation (train and engine) category rose 2.53 percent in mid-May compared with the same period a year ago.