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In response to demand, Secure Rail has added two sessions on cyber security to the agenda for the Feb. 9-10 conference in Orlando, Fla.
One session, "Defining and Preventing Cyber Spear Phishing Attacks," will be presented by Lester Hightower, vice president and chief information officer at Florida East Coast Railway (FECR). Hightower will describe an unsuccessful cyber whaling attack directed at senior management at FECR, as well as a general overview of phishing, spear phishing and whaling attacks.
The second session, "IoBT Security: Hacking the Internet of Big Things," will be presented by Nick Chodorow, senior director of information technology at The Belt Railway Co. of Chicago; and Ron Schlecht, managing partner of BTB Security. Their session will describe real-life cybersecurity situations around the "Internet of Things." The session will highlight different approaches that other industries are using to address cybersecurity and how those approaches can apply to railroading.
Secure Rail is Progressive Railroading's educational conference designed for industry professionals responsible for rail security. For more information about the conference or to register, go to the Secure Rail website.