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Short-term TEA-21 extension approved


With a Sept. 30 deadline looming on Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) reauthorization, the House recently approved a bill that would extend the act’s authority to provide federal highway and transit funds until Feb. 29, 2004.

The short-term extension would enable the U.S. Department of Transportation to distribute federal highway and transit funds while Congress debates a six-year TEA-21 extension.

A Sept. 30 deadline also is in effect for FY2004 transit program funding.

On Sept. 4, the Senate Appropriations Committee approved $7.3 billion for FY2004 transit funding; on Sept. 9, the House approved a Transportation, Treasury and Independent Agencies Appropriations bill that would provide $7.2 billion in FY2004 transit funding.

Once the full Senate approves its bill, a conference committee including House and Senate members will try to reach a funding agreement.