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Ohio panel OKs grade crossing improvements in Ravenna


The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) has approved the Ohio Rail Development Commission's authorization of Akron Barberton Cluster Railway Co.'s plan to upgrade active warning devices at the Cleveland Road crossing in Ravenna, Ohio.

Federal funding for the projects was provided through the rail commission, according to a PUCO press release.

To increase public safety during project construction, local governments may seek funding from the PUCO for the cost of safety improvements such as rumble strips, illumination and improved signage, PUCO officials said.

Funding for such improvements comes from the State Grade Crossing Safety Fund and may not exceed $5,000 per project.

The PUCO is responsible for evaluating Ohio's public grade crossings to determine the need for installing active warning devices. Since the commission began implementing these evaluations, the number of train-motor vehicle crashes in the state has decreased from 123 in 2001 to 64 in 2016.