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U.S. Rep. Randy Weber (R-Texas) early this week toured RailWorks Track Systems' plant in Deer Park, Texas. Representatives from rail advocacy organization GoRail, the Railway Engineering-Maintenance Suppliers Association and the National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association also were on the tour.The group learned about RailWorks' work in track and transit systems construction, as well as its rehabilitation and maintenance services for U.S. rail infrastructure. In a meeting before the tour, the group discussed public policy and the regional importance of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), according to a GoRail press release.Texas is the top export state in the United States, and NAFTA is "especially vital" to jobs and the economy in the area, GoRail officials said.In Texas, 52 freight railroads maintain more than 10,000 track miles and employ nearly 17,000 workers."Texas absolutely knows the importance of our railways," Weber said. "We have over 10,000 miles of freight track — that’s more than any other state. Rail infrastructure like this — and the many supply companies, like RailWorks, who support it – moves Texas' economy forward."