def Supply industry consolidation prompts Railway Supply Association, Railway Progress Institute to propose merger (9/24/2002) - RailPrime | ProgressiveRailroading - Subscribe Today

Supply industry consolidation prompts Railway Supply Association, Railway Progress Institute to propose merger (9/24/2002)


The Railway Supply Association Inc. (RSA) and Railway Progress Institute (RPI) plan to merge by year end, creating an organization that would be called Railway Supply Institute, RSA President Edwin Kindig announced Sept. 23 at a luncheon during RSA's 41st annual convention in Chicago.

Both organizations represent freight- and passenger-rail suppliers. RSA was founded in 1938; RPI in 1908.

The sputtering economy and shrinking rail supply industry prompted the merger proposal, said Kindig.

RSA and RPI plan in November to present the proposal to their respective members for a vote.

— Jeff Stagl

Source: Progressive Railroading Daily News

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