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Re-marketing rail careers: How one nonprofit aims to increase student interest in railroading 

Michele Malski Courtesy of Michele Malski

By Bridget Dean, Associate Editor

Second-generation railroader Michele Malski has been around railroads all her life, and she knows the struggle it can be for smaller railroads and suppliers to attract non-generational employees. 

She’s confident her new nonprofit, Hands-on Education from Railroad Employers (HERE), will help lessen the struggle for recruiters by sparking students’ interest in railroading. 

For about seven years, Malski has been running her consulting business, Succession Planning for Railroads Investing in the Next Generation (SPRING). Her experiences with SPRING and in former recruiting roles led her to create HERE, which launched in January. 

While working to recruit for short-line railroads, Malski realized there were two major hurdles keeping young people – especially students – from applying for railroad jobs.  

First, potential employees don’t know what working for a railroad is actually like, especially at short lines that may not have the budget for marketing campaigns or internship programs, Malski says. 

Second, colleges and trade schools sometimes don’t see railroading as a viable opportunity, she says, recalling a higher education career counselor who told a student Malski was recruiting for a welding position that railroads were too dangerous. 

Enter HERE, which will act as a collective voice of short lines, railroad companies and contractors who work in the industry, Malski says. It’ll share general information with students and educators about rail-industry opportunities, from career paths to transferrable skills companies seek.  

“The idea is to chisel away at that idea that railroads are obsolete, because that is absolutely not the case,” she says.  

This year, the organization plans to attend one career fair or similar event and further establish its network of institutions and railroad companies. Next year, the aim is to attend one event per quarter; the following year, an event every month.  

The organization comprises a six-member executive board and an advisory board of up to 20 people, which is divided into separate task forces, each representing a different area of the industry to make sure HERE’s messaging is consistent and accurate. Railroads or individuals looking to get involved can join the advisory board for a three-year term, although availability is running low; the board already has 15 members, Malski says. 

Malski, the executive and advisory boards currently are compiling a list of colleges to reach out to. They’re asking to host webinars, happy hours and virtual events, as well as attend recruitment events. One day, Malski hopes to have HERE representatives presenting to classes of students every month.  

“We’ll get there – slowly, but surely,” she says, noting the organization is working to solidify its external branding and messaging. “This year is really just the grinding year.” 

From resources to returnships

As a nonprofit, HERE depends on tax-exempt donations to support its education efforts and administrative needs. Sponsor logos will be displayed on items such as banners at career fairs and on the HERE website, Malski says. Company donations can be made in three different tiers of support; individuals can contribute any amount.  

HERE’s website, which is under development, will feature success stories of railroaders, information about different career paths and resources for anyone interested in rail careers but unsure what skills they need. 

Messaging currently is focused toward younger people, but Malski intends to launch a returnship program within the next year.  

“A returnship is an internship for someone that doesn’t want to leave the industry just yet,” she says. 

HERE will offer a place for end-of-career railroaders to find short-term jobs at companies looking for highly experienced workers to serve as consultants or mentors. It will operate like a matchmaking service, with the parties signing a contract for short-term work and a payment plan, says Malski. A portion of funding will support HERE, too, for serving as matchmaker.  

Launching HERE is exciting – this type of industry-wide, educational nonprofit is a new concept, Malski says. 

“We all want the rail industry to be on the table of consideration for any new hire,” she adds. “That’s the part that excites me the most – that it’s a unified collective for the betterment of the industry. ... We just hope as many railroads and railroad companies share that same passion and excitement.”