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CN officially marked its 100th anniversary last week.Founded by an act of Parliament in Canada on June 6, 1919, CN evolved from a federal crown corporation for 75 years to a private railroad company in 1995. The Class I spans North America, from eastern to western Canada and the Gulf of Mexico.In 1919, CN and railroads like it were at the forefront of pioneering changes to transportation to benefit Canada. That pioneer spirit continues, as CN railroaders seek innovative ways to move goods across the continently more efficiently, company officials said in a press release.“We are proud of what we have accomplished at CN over the past 100 years," said CN President and Chief Executive Officer JJ Ruest. "We think back to what our predecessors accomplished for CN and for their communities, and we look confidently to the future where CN will continue to be a leader in safety and technology and by transporting the goods the world needs and consumes more efficiently through our world-class supply chains.” To learn more about CN's history and future, read the May cover story in Progressive Railroading.