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CN yesterday published its 2023-24 grain plan, which contains several new actions and initiatives for the crop year as well as details on ongoing plans.
The Class I will build on "last year’s strong performance" with operating plan refinements, continued fleet enhancements and new technology, CN officials said in a press release.
Initiatives in the new crop year include the delivery of 750 new high-efficiency grain hopper cars in 2024; expansion of CN’s plan to upgrade older alternating current (AC) locomotives to newer direct current (DC) technology; and a new precision dispatch system.
In addition, CN will standardize an improved coordination and execution process established between network and field operations this year. CN’s staff resourcing for 2023-24 will be in line with anticipated customer demand. The company also will account for new government regulations related to personal leave days and sick days that are expected to impact labor availability, CN officials said.
CN's report can be read here.