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The Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) and other federal officials yesterday established a three-member panel to review CN's proposed Milton Logistics Hub project in Ontario.CTA Chair Scott Streiner has assigned the panel to assess the environmental effects of the project; consider Aboriginal traditional knowledge, comments received from the public and mitigation measures; conclude whether the project is likely to cause significant adverse effects; and identify any follow-up programs required, according to a CTA press release.The panel's review will help the CTA in its assessment of the location of new railway lines. CN has proposed construction and operation of the logistics hub in Milton, Ontario, which includes a railway yard with more than 12 miles of track.The panelists appointed yesterday are Lesley Griffiths, Isobel Healthcote and William McMurray. Griffiths will chair the panel. McMurray, who's also a member of the CTA, has been assigned to decide whether the proposed rail construction should be approved under Section 98 of the Canada Transportation Act.