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As of mid-August, Class Is in the United States employed 148,136 workers, up 0.48 percent since mid-July's employment figure and up 0.55 percent compared with mid-August 2017, according to the Surface Transportation Board (STB).Four of six employment categories reflected workforce increases compared with mid-July. Those categories were executives, officials and staff assistants, up 0.45 percent to 8,460 employees; maintenance of equipment and stores, up 0.54 percent to 26,946; transportation (other than train and engine), up 0.16 percent to 5,700 workers; and transportation (train and engine), up 0.89 percent to 62,442 employees.The professional and administrative category dipped 0.23 percent to 11,976 workers, while maintenance of way and structures slipped 0.02 percent to 32,612.Four of the workforce categories reflected decreases in employment compared with August 2017. They were executives, officials and staff assistants, down 1.99 percent; professional and administrative, down 5.13 percent; maintenance of way and structures, down 3 percent; and transportation (other than train and engine), down 0.05 percent. Maintenance of equipment and stores rose 0.34 percent last month compared with the same month a year ago, while transportation (train and engine) climbed 4.27 percent.