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Rail News: Federal Legislation & Regulation

Transportation reauthorization bill should incorporate freight mobility principles, coalition says


The Freight Stakeholders Coalition has released nine principles the organization believes should be considered in the next surface transportation reauthorization measure.

The coalition is an alliance of 18 shipping and transportation provider/planning groups that support freight mobility-promoting policies. Coalition members include the American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA), American Trucking Associations, Coalition for America's Gateways and Trade Corridors, Intermodal Association of North America, National Industrial Transportation League, National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association and National Retail Federation.

The top two principles in the coalition's platform focus on achieving long-term, sustainable funding to meet the nation’s existing and future freight transportation infrastructure needs, and providing dedicated funds outside of the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) for freight mobility.

"Like other coalition members, AAPA believes that the next surface transportation bill must recognize the indisputable link between goods movement and economic competitiveness," said AAPA Executive Vice President Jean Godwin in a press release. "With this link in mind, we are recommending new and additional funding in the next surface transportation bill that prioritizes freight projects which optimize and integrate the nation's freight transportation system."

Coalition members are committed to modernizing the nation's freight transportation system by advocating projects of regional or national significance that can reduce congestion, enhance goods movement, improve the environment, and create and sustain jobs, said Godwin.
"The next surface transportation authorization is an opportunity to provide long-term, sustainable funding and to build upon MAP-21, which recognized the linkage between goods movement and economic competitiveness," coalition members said in the platform. "However, it is time to match this new emphasis on freight by ensuring both long-term HTF solvency, as well as with new and additional non-HTF funding dedicated to prioritizing projects that optimize and integrate the nation's freight transportation system."