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Rail News: Federal Legislation & Regulation

USDOT's Foxx warns state transportation leaders of federal funding expiration


U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx yesterday notified state transportation leaders that all federal participation in transportation infrastructure construction will stop if the current funding legislation expires May 31.

If Congress doesn't pass an extension of the federal transportation funding law known as MAP-21 or pass a new transportation authorization bill by that date, the federal government will not be able to reimburse states for transportation infrastructure construction costs or provide technical support, Foxx wrote in a letter to state transportation directors.

Foxx is spending the week highlighting the soon-to-expire MAP-21 and the need for Congress to pass surface transportation funding legislation. He will promote the Obama administration's "GROW AMERICA Act," a six-year, $478 billion proposal that would increase federal funding to roads, highways and transit systems, as well as provide dedicated funding for passenger rail, rail safety and a national freight program.

Also, in the U.S. Department of Transportation's blog Fast Lane, Foxx wrote yesterday that he anticipates Congress will pass a short-term extension, the 33rd such "patch" over the past six years.

"And at best, they'll prolong a dangerous status quo of funding infrastructure at a level that has left our transportation system gasping for air," Foxx wrote in the blog.