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The U.S. Department of Transportation's current oversight of Seattle’s federal transportation funds management is insufficient, according to a new report from the USDOT Office of General Inspector (OIG).
Over the past few years, the OIG has received complaints on its fraud and safety hotline about federally funded Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) projects that are subject to USDOT oversight, OIG officials said in a press release.
Between fiscal years 2014 and 2019, the SDOT received $259.8 million in grants and cooperative agreements from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Railroad Administration and Federal Transit Administration, OIG officials said.
The report found weaknesses in the USDOT operating administrations’ oversight regarding the execution of change orders that lacked required approval signatures; approval of a $140 million project estimate and contingency amounts with limited support; the inability to track where and how federal funds were spent; and procedures to ensure that federal funds transferred from FHWA to FTA are used in a timely manner or put to better use, OIG officials said.
The report also found weaknesses related to the U.S. Office of the Secretary of Transportation’s and FRA’s oversight of a project’s cost estimates and contingency rates, which resulted in $21 million in lapsed funds that could be put to better use, OIG officials added.
The OIG identified another $10.7 million in questioned costs due to a lack of adequate supporting documentation; $3.6 million in transferred FHWA funds that remain unobligated more than six years after being transferred, resulting in the funds lapsing; and $3.8 million in transferred funds the FTA has not de-obligated that have been inactive since 2017.
The OIG made 14 recommendations to improve USDOT funds management and oversight of federal funds provided for SDOT projects. USDOT agreed to all but one recommendation — that the FHWA remove $21 million in lapsed funding from its unobligated balances — and instead provided an alternative from FHWA.
Two recommendations include directives that the FRA:
Six recommendations include directives that the FTA: