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The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) today published a notice of grant funding opportunity for magnetic levitation deployment projects.Published in today's Federal Register, the notice provides information on how to apply for $24 million worth of grants for eligible projects under the federal Magnetic Levitation Technology Deployment Program.Maglev grants funding is provided by two sources: $10 million as appropriated by Congress in 2019 and an additional $14 million in funds authorized by Congress in 2008 under sections of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act, known by the acronym SAFETEA-LU.Grant requirements are different for the two funding sources. Applicants for the $14 million in funding is available only for the Pittsburgh, Baltimore-Washington, and Atlanta-Chattanooga projects, according to the notice.The $10 million in grants funds are not limited to those three maglev projects.