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Rail News: Federal Legislation & Regulation

Four agricultural shipper groups support 're-reg' bill


Four farmers' interest groups have joined the list of organizations that back a "re-regulation" bill on Capitol Hill.

The American Farm Bureau, National Farmers Union, American Coalition for Ethanol and Alliance for Rural America voiced support for the Railroad Antitrust Enforcement Act (H.R. 1650/S. 772), which proposes to eliminate railroads' antitrust exemptions. The American Farm Bureau and the National Farmers Union represent hundreds of thousands of rural agriculture producers in more than 30 states; the Alliance for Rural America is a coalition of 13 organizations, including the American Corn Growers Association, National Farmers Organization and American Agriculture Movement.

"American agriculture depends on the railroad system, and agricultural producers are frequently captive rail customers, and experience both unreliable service and exorbitantly high rates from the railroads," said American Farm Bureau President Bob Stallman in a prepared statement. "Freight railroads must be subject to our nation's antitrust laws so that prices for shipping agriculture commodities via rail can be fair and reasonable."

The rail industry opposes H.R. 1650/S. 772, as do several organizations, including the Eastern Regional Conference of the Council of State Governments.

The House and Senate judiciary committees have passed the bill, which awaits action by the full House and Senate.