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The Surface Transportation Board (STB) plans to hold a public hearing May 22 on railroad demurrage and accessorial charges.Railroads, shippers, third-party logistics providers and other interested parties will be invited to speak at the hearing and share their experiences with demurrage and accessorial charges, including reciprocity, commercial fairness, operational and capacity issues, and effects on network fluidity, STB officials said in a hearing announcement.This hearing follows letters the board previously sent to each Class I seeking information on quarterly revenue from demurrage and accessorial charges for 2018 and 2019.Meanwhile, the STB also is seeking candidates to fill a vacancy on the Rail Energy Transportation Advisory Committee (RETAC). Nominations are due April 5.Formed in 2007, the RETAC provides advice and guidance to STB members, and serve as a forum for the discussion of emerging issues regarding rail-transported energy resources, including coal, ethanol and other biofuels.In addition, the STB aims to fill a small shipper representative vacancy on the Railroad-Shipper Transportation Advisory Council (RSTAC). Nominations are due April 17.Formed in 1995, the RSTAC provides advice to the STB chairman, U.S. transportation secretary, and members of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, and House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure on certain rail transportation policy issues. The council focuses on car supply, rate, competition and claim procedure issues.RSTAC's 15 appointed members include representatives from both small and large railroads and shippers. At least four of the voting members must be representatives of small shippers as determined by the STB chairman, and at least four must be representatives from regionals and short lines.