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Rail News: Federal Legislation & Regulation

STB solicits nominations for RSTAC vacancy


The Surface Transportation Board (STB) is seeking nominations for candidates to fill a small-railroad representative vacancy on the board's Railroad-Shipper Transportation Advisory Council (RSTAC).

The council focuses on issues of importance to small railroads and shippers. Issues may include rail-car supply, rates, competition, and procedures for addressing claims.

The RSTAC also prepares an annual report of its activities and recommendations on regulatory and legislative relief.

Nominations may be submitted via the STB's e-filing format or in traditional hardcopy according to instructions available in the board's Notice of Railroad-Shipper Transportation Advisory Council Vacancy, EP 526 (Sub-No. 7).

Nine voting members of RSTAC are senior executive officers of companies in the railroad or rail-shipping industries. At least four of the voting members must be representatives of small shippers, as determined by the STB chairman, and at least four voting members must be representatives of Class II or Class III railroads.

The remaining six appointed members — three representing Class I railroads and three representing larger shipper organizations — serve in a nonvoting, advisory capacity, but are entitled to participate in RSTAC deliberations, STB officials said in a press release.