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The California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) will host an industry forum and pre-bid conference on April 8 in Visalia, Calif., for businesses interested in working on the next phase of the state's high-speed rail project.The forum will offer small businesses an opportunity to meet with qualified firms eligible to submit proposals for the design-build request for proposals for Construction Package 2-3 (CP 2-3) of the project.The pre-bid conference for the project and construction management request for qualifications for CP 2-3 will provide a networking opportunity between prime and sub-contractors, CHSRA officials said in a press release.The CP 2-3 phase would extend the high-speed rail line by 60 miles through the Central Valley from East American Avenue in Fresno County to one mile north of the Kern-Tulare County line. The environmental clearance for the route is under way and anticipated to be final by spring, CHSRA officials said.