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Rail News: High-Speed Rail

Colorado DOT finds high-speed transit proposals possible, but expensive


The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) recently issued two draft reports that summarized the feasibility of high-speed transit systems in both the Interstate 70 Mountain Corridor and I-25 Front Range Corridor.

Conducted by CDOT's Division of Transit and Rail (DTR) and a team of outside experts, the studies confirmed high-speed transit is technically feasible in both corridors, but not financially feasible in either corridor at this time, CDOT officials said in a press release.

"It is clear that we currently lack the financial capacity to build either of these projects," said DTR Director Mark Imhoff.  "However, the studies show that a statewide system could provide many benefits to the businesses, individuals and tourists that depend on our interstates and provide a roadmap for capitalizing on improvements in the local, state and federal financial climates when they happen."

Preliminary capital cost estimates range from $75 million per mile on the Front Range to $105 million per mile in the Mountain Corridor, with an estimated $30 billion price tag for the whole system, CDOT officials said.