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Rail News: High-Speed Rail
FRA launches EIS process for Texas Central Railway's bullet-train proposal
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) yesterday officially posted a notice of intent that it intends to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for Texas Central Railway's (TCR) proposed dedicated high-speed rail system from Dallas to Houston.
The statement will evaluate route alternatives for the sealed corridor between the two Texas cities, which currently has no passenger-rail service. The FRA will evaluate alternatives for construction and operation of the proposed high-speed rail corridor, according to the notice.
The FRA will accept written and oral comments on the EIS for the next 90 days. In addition to the alternatives, the statement will analyze the potential impacts of stations, power or fueling stations and maintenance facilities to support high-speed rail operations.
A private company, TCR has proposed building and operating a high-speed-rail system between Dallas and Houston. The company is working closely with Central Japan Railway Co. (JRC) to deploy JRC's N700-I Bullet System.
To learn more about TCR's proposal, read this article in the June issue of Progressive Railroading.