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U.S. Rep. Rep. Michelle Steel (R-Calif.) has introduced a legislation that would prohibit the California high-Speed rail project rom receiving federal funds.
In a press release, Steel noted that the project started in 2009 with the goal of building a high-speed rail system between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Since then, the project's price tag has ballooned from about $33 billion to more than $100 billion with no segments in operation and "no timeline for when the project will be completed," Steel's press release states.
“The California high-speed rail project is a failure. Costs have continued to rise, while people and businesses have lost their properties, and the sections of the high-speed rail that do exist are inoperable,” Steel said.
Her bill comes despite the California High-Speed Rail Authority's March 3 announcement that it has submitted the final state match to the Federal Railroad Administration for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding grant.
Several other Republican congressmen from California have signed on as original cosponsors of Steel's bill, which can be read here.
Construction of the state's high-speed rail system is underway.