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The Los Angeles Harbor Commission last week adopted a fiscal year 2013-14 budget of $1.1 billion for the Port of Los Angeles that includes one of the port's largest annual capital spending plans — $399.9 million, or 37 percent of the total budget. The new fiscal year begins July 1."Developing and maintaining a world-class infrastructure is, and continues to be, the overarching strategic priority for the Port of Los Angeles," said Cindy Miscikowski, the commission's president, in a press release. "Capital improvements and improved efficiency are essential if we're to maximize cargo flow as well as maintain our position as the nation's No. 1 container port."The capital spending budget earmarks more than $380 million for container terminal and transportation system upgrades, including:• more than $99 million for backland improvements at the TraPac container terminal to support future terminal automation, as well as the construction of a facility to provide port container terminals with on-dock rail capabilities;• $78 million for the Berth 200 rail yard, a pivotal piece of the port's goods movement plan to facilitate faster and safer rail operations throughout the complex;• $33.2 million for the South Wilmington grade separation project; and• $8.2 million for the audit, design and construction of required upgrades at liquid bulk oil handling facilities throughout the port.