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Earlier this month, Kansas City Southern de México S.A. de C.V. (KCSM) initiated a new "Safety Friday" program that aims to reduce or eliminate incidents by focusing Friday job briefings on best operating practices and safety rules compliance.An in-depth analysis performed by the railroad found that more injuries occur early in work shifts on Fridays than any other time of the week, KCSM officials said in an item posted on the "KCS News" web page.Also this month, KCSM officials continued to remind transportation, mechanical and engineering employees about a "One Text or Call Could Wreck It All" campaign that was launched in 2013. The campaign is designed to prevent electronic devices from becoming an unsafe distraction either on or off the job.In the second quarter, the railroad's Safety and Health Team, in coordination with the Information Technology Department, plans to distribute 140 Bluetooth mobile devices to transportation, mechanical and engineering supervisors as part of the campaign. In addition, defensive driving training will be provided to 53 vehicle operators in the Caltzontzin District to help prevent traffic accidents.