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Rail News: Mechanical
Knoxville Locomotive Works delivers Tier 4 switcher to ADM

Knoxville Locomotive Works Inc. (KLW) delivered a Tier 4 switcher locomotive to ADM for its Corpus Christi operations, KLW announced this week.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality provided a grant to ADM to acquire the locomotive. The grant program funds efforts to repower or replace older locomotives to reduce nitrogen oxides and particulate matter emissions in Texas.
“KLW is pleased to deliver the first successfully integrated Cummins Tier 4 QST30 Module to power a North American freight locomotive,” said KLW Chairman Pete Claussen in a press release. “We look forward to working with our multiple power system suppliers as they pave the way for the development of low emission technologies for KLW customers in this sector.”
TCEQ is responsible for attaining state and federal standards by improving air quality in Texas.