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Nearly 70 percent of the millennial generation — those between 18 and 34 years of age — use multiple travel options at least several times per week, according to a report released yesterday by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA).The "Millennials and Mobility" study shows that, while car-sharing, bike-sharing, walking and car ownership will play a part in the multi-modal network, public transportation is ranked highest as the "best mode" to connect to all other modes, according to 54 percent of those surveyed, APTA officials said in a press release."Public transportation is the backbone of a multi-modal transportation system because it provides the opportunity to multitask and socialize online while traveling," said Peter Varga, APTA chair and chief executive officer of The Rapid in Grand Rapids, Mich. "This data is proof that America's future is riding on public transportation."Among the top reasons those surveyed cited as reasons for using public transportation: to save money, 46 percent of respondents; for the convenience, 46 percent; for the exercise, 44 percent; and it makes sense to do so in the community where they live, 35 percent.Fifty-eight percent of the millennials polled cited the ability to pay per use as a "key advantage" for using public transportation. Other key advantages cited include protecting the environment, the ability to socialize online and "creating community," APTA officials said.Because of the millennial generation's demands and interests, public transportation systems will be built around the smartphone, they added. APTA expects more transit systems to adopt such features as smartphone charging stations on vehicles and facilities; fare collection via smartphone; Wi-Fi, 4G and 3G access; apps that connect transit access to local amenities; seamless multi-modal connections such as bike and car share options; and improved pedestrian access to public transit.