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The Kansas City Streetcar Authority (KCSA) has signed a five-year, $15.8 million operations and maintenance agreement with Herzog Transit Services, Inc. Coupled with the anticipated arrival of the line's first vehicle later this month, the contract marks the transition from construction to the operations and testing phase, KCSA officials said in a news release.The fixed-price agreement includes required start-up activities and support, as well as operations and maintenance for the first five years of streetcar passenger service. The base costs of operations and maintenance for the first year are estimated at $2.6 million, which is on target with original cost projections, KCSA officials said.
"This agreement solidifies our long-term partnership with [Herzog] and ensures our ability to bring national expertise and capacity to our operations and maintenance responsibilities," said Tom Gerend, KCSA's executive director.Over the next several months, Herzog's team will begin equipment training, field testing, preparation of operational procedures, streetcar "burn-in" testing, and hiring and training of streetcar operations and maintenance employees.Once the equipment is tested and deemed functional, Herzog will enter the pre-revenue operations phase, which is the last step before passenger service.The line is expected to open to the public in 2016.