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Sound Transit has scheduled public hearings to gather public input on its plans for service improvements and potential fare changes in 2016.Two meetings and an open house will take place Nov. 5. The agency will also accept feedback online, via email, or by phone.The agency's service improvements include a new Sounder commuter-rail mid-day round trip, as well as the opening of the University Link light-rail extension.Additionally, Sound Transit plans to open a new 1.6 mile light-rail segment running south from SeaTac/Airport Station to Angle Lake Station, which will include 1,050 parking stalls for commuters.Proposed fare increases include raising the cost of riding Sounder trains by 50 cents for adult and youth riders. The agency also would raise Sounder fares for seniors and people with disabilities by 25 cents.Sounder has not had a fare increase since 2007, agency officials said. The increase would help cover operating expenses that have risen since then.To mitigate the impact of the fare increases on low-income riders, Sound Transit is considering introducing a discounted fare on its commuter-rail lines.