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Delaware Gov. John Carney, U.S. Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), Wilmington Mayor Michael Purzycki, and other state and local officials marked the start of construction on the Wilmington Transit Center at a groundbreaking ceremony held last week.To be completed in December 2019, the $10 million center is being built through a public-private partnership between the Delaware Department of Transportation, Delaware Transit Corp. and Transit Center LLC. using state and private funds.The multimodal hub will be constructed adjacent to Wilmington's Joseph R. Biden Rail Station and provide access to Amtrak, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, Greyhound/Trailways and cab services.To be served by most bus routes in Wilmington, the center also will offer public and rental car parking areas.“We are making millions of dollars of needed infrastructure investments across the city, and this is another milestone project for Wilmington," Carney said in a press release. "This transit center will serve thousands of customers every day and provide the convenience and amenities that they deserve."