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Rail News: Passenger Rail

BART awards parking-permit-management contract to Clancy Systems


Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) recently selected Clancy Systems International Inc. to manage the permit issuance/renewals process for nearly 5,000 "reserved" parking spaces.

Under a permit-management-issuance contract, Clancy custom-developed a Web site that enables riders to reserve and renew the non-transferable permits. Riders can register any vehicle they might park in 4,769 BART parking spaces, or one-quarter of the agency’s total.

To monitor lots and assure compliance, BART personnel load data into handheld terminals via scanners. Field personnel then validate license plates, vehicle descriptions and permit numbers of vehicles parked in the reserved areas.

In place since Dec. 2, the permitting program’s been a hit with riders, who say they no longer have to arrive at a BART lot at 5 a.m. or 6 a.m. to find a parking place, according to a prepared statement.