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Connecticut Gov. Malloy touts five-year transportation infrastructure plan


Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy was joined last week by federal, state, business and labor leaders in announcing several state investments in major highway, bridge and rail projects as part of the Connecticut Department of Transportation's (ConnDOT) 2014-2018 transportation capital infrastructure program.

"We have invested millions in our roads, bridges and railways over the last three years, and have an ambitious five-year plan in place to continue upgrading and strengthening our transportation infrastructure well into the future," said Malloy in a prepared statement. "These projects will facilitate commerce, stimulate economic development, improve the daily commutes of countless residents and create thousands of immediate construction jobs."

Earlier this year, Malloy proposed a state transportation budget for 2015 that represents a 165 percent increase in funding compared to 2010 levels, and includes about $1.4 billion to fund the largest transportation capital program in Connecticut’s history. The transportation budget also restores the dedication of the State Transportation Fund solely for transportation purposes.

The governor's budget – now being considered by the General Assembly – calls for the hiring of 75 ConnDOT engineers to move projects through the design and bid process more quickly.