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Rail News: Passenger Rail

Denver RTD rolls out fare changes, pass programs

Youth fares now are discounted by 70 percent instead of 50 percent.
Photo – RTD


The Regional Transportation District (RTD) of Denver is implementing changes to its fares and pass programs starting today, including new youth fares that increase the discount for young riders from 50 percent to 70 percent.

The new discounted youth fares — for riders between the ages of six and 19 — are 90 cents for local rides, $1.60 for regional rides and $3.20 for a trip to or from Denver International Airport.

The new full-price fares are $3 for local trips (up from $2.60), $5.25 for regional rides (up from $4.50) and $10.50 for airport trips. For riders who qualify for half-price discount fares — including seniors, individuals with disabilities and Medicare recipients — the new fares are $1.50 for local trips, $2.60 for regional rides and $5.25 for airport trips.

RTD also is introducing a new three-hour pass that enables riders to travel for up to three hours in any direction within a fare category using a paid fare. The pass replaces the one-way transfer or ticket.

In addition, RTD plans to launch a low-income program in summer that calls for providing a 40 percent discount to qualifying riders whose household incomes are at or below 185 percent of the federal poverty level. Interested riders will need to qualify for and enroll in the program to receive the low-income fare, RTD officials said in a press release.

In 2015, the agency's board authorized a comprehensive review of fares and passes in response to public requests during a prior fare review. Board members also considered a consensus recommendation resulting from a yearlong pass program study that concluded in February 2018. RTD now plans to conduct a fare review process every three years.

"All of the changes being made reflect feedback [we] received from thousands of people during the most recent fare review process," RTD officials said.