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Rail News: Passenger Rail

MTA launches new courtesy campaign on NYCT subways, buses


MTA New York City Transit (NYCT) recently unveiled a new campaign to encourage passengers to be more respectful of each other while riding trains and buses.

Starting in January, the "Courtesy Counts, Manners Make a Better Ride” campaign will be launched on placards posted inside subway cars and buses. The signs will be posted on commuter railroads in February.

"Courtesy is always important but it takes on an added significance as transit ridership continues to increase,” said NYCT President Carmen Bianco in a press release. "The simple act of stepping aside to let riders off the train before you board can trim valuable seconds from the time a train dwells in a station while removing a backpack makes more room for everyone. These acts serve to speed the trip while increasing the level of comfort."

The placards illustrate behavioral "Do and Don't" scenarios. For example, one placard addresses a rule that discourages male riders from sitting in a sprawled manner across a seat in a way that takes up more than their fair share of space. "Dude, stop the spread, please," the placard reads.

To read the entire list of "Dos and Don'ts," click here.