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The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey's (PANYNJ) board last week adopted $3.7 billion capital and $3.3 billion operating budgets for 2019.The capital budget — a $300 million increase over the 2018's capital expenses — will allow the port authority to continue multiple major projects to rebuild and replace legacy facilities with state-of-the-art infrastructure, PANYNJ officials said in a press release.In addition, the budget addresses a large set of projects aimed at maintaining assets in a state-of-good-repair, and improving resiliency against hurricanes and other damaging storms, they said.Included in the capital budget is $112 million for the Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH) railroad's signal system replacement program and continuation of station and equipment modernization programs, including Hurricane Sandy recovery work.Also in the capital budget is $89 million for construction and design activities at seaport facilities, including work on the ExpressRail Port Jersey, the Cross Harbor Freight Program environmental review and continued pavement work at the Howland Hook Marine Terminal.In addition, the budget includes $17 million to continue to support the planning activities for the Gateway passenger rail tunnel project.“This budget was painstakingly crafted to be fiscally responsible yet still provide the high level of customer experience that the traveling public demands and expects,” said Kevin O’Toole, the port authority's chairman. “In addition to extensive investments in security, major facility upgrades and greatly enhanced customer communication, the budget also benefits the region as a whole with the billions we will invest in our infrastructure, which will create jobs and result in extensive economic benefits.”Meanwhile, port authority's operating budget includes 2.2 percent increase in core expenses over the 2018 operating budget.